About us
My name is Ardjan Langedijk and I owner of the small Dutch tour company “Kazachstan Specialist”. This includes the trade names Kazakhstan Tours, Central Asia Tours and Belarus & Ukraine Tours.
From 1998-2001 I lived in Kazakhstan and learned the Russian language.
In 2006 I founded Kazakhstan Specialist and started Kazakhstan Tours. From 2013 I also offer travel programs in the other Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan).
Belarus was added as a travel destination in November 2015 and travel programs in Ukraine follow in 2019, culminating in this website operating from March 2020.
Every year I visit Belarus and Ukraine at least once to explore new routes and to maintain contacts.
On September 2nd, 2020, the Dutch regional newspaper ‘Haarlems Dagblad’ published the following article on my ‘extraordinary destinations’ (in Dutch).
haarlems dagblad regio blz 6-7_02092020